Itʻs time to take bold, strategic steps to Free Hawaii…
Itʻs time to know and assert who we really are and to challenge the illegal operations of the U.S. in the Hawaiian Islands.
We can do this by exposing the criminal activities of the U.S. and mount a peaceful, strategic campaign of resistance to U.S. rule.
Assert our nationality! Live as free Hawaiians...
By living as Hawaiian Nationals (subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom) in our own country, we exert pressure on the U.S. and the “State of Hawaii” to…
•Stop treating us Hawaiian subjects as if we are aliens and vagrants within our own country
•Stop the illegal imposition of U.S. citizenship, taxes, political systems, economic dependency and other foreign controls on Hawaiian subjects
•Acknowledge that the entire Hawaiian Archipelago comprise the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands not the U.S. “State of Hawaii.
•Reset our thinking: Hawaii is an independent country! Wrap our heads around that reality…think, live and breathe as a Hawaiian in your homeland!
•Get everyone involved in envisioning the future…What do we want our Hawaiian nation to be? And make plans to get there! Have confidence that
we can do this…
•Engage the press and media with positive, stimulating, inspiring stories about our movement that they can relate to the world…
•Produce artwork, music, dance, theater, films, literature, etc. that inspire people about the Hawaiian Kingdom and it’s bright future...
•Make extensive use of social media to promote this amazing effort to bring back a nation after 120 years of being under foreign criminal control
We invite you to get involved!